Angela Reed Angela Reed

Live Your Legacy

…For me, as I reflected on both high-profile passings, my reflections served as a reminder that your legacy doesn't begin when you die. You are to live your legacy each day. Living your legacy is a daily contribution towards what you ultimately leave behind.

Last month, the passing of Congressman John Lewis spurred much commentary around legacy. Last night, I was reminded yet again of legacy with the passing of actor, writer, and director Chadwick Boseman.

For me, as I reflected on both high-profile passings, my reflections served as a reminder that your legacy doesn't begin when you die.  You are to live your legacy each day.  Living your legacy is a daily contribution towards what you ultimately leave behind. 

When I think about my own life, I often think at some point during a day: "If I were to die today, what would have been the last thing I said, did, or do?"  This question may seem a bit morbid to some, but if this resonates with you as it does me, then you understand the weight in which it carries, but also the truth of it.

Legacy is less about the things we leave and more about the life we lead. Our words, roles, actions, character, and contributions are each pieces to the collective sum of the legacy we live out.

As a mother, my children are my legacy in the flesh. How I live, what I say, and the choices I make will leave a lasting impression on many of the choices that they themselves will choose to make. If you have littles, think about it this way: "What will they live out that you leave behind?"


I grew up in the southern Baptist church and there is an old saying, "May the work I've done speak for me." More often than not, it was the elders making this statement. Seasoned in their years, their reflections about their work on this earth resonate with me to this day. "Long after your days, will the work you did, words you said, actions you took, contributions you made speak well of you?"

As a believer and daughter of the King, I want nothing more than to be completely used up for His purpose and glory of this side of heaven; growing closer towards the fateful day when I can hear my Lord say, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." 

Until then, I'm leaning into living my legacy and giving flowers to folks while they are here to see and smell them...and taking a sniff of my own while I'm at it.

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